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HMG, or human menopausal gonadotropin, is a peptide hormone that stimulates the production of testosterone and other hormones in the body. This makes it an ideal supplement for bodybuilders who are coming off a cycle and looking to restore their natural hormone levels.

Compared to HCG, HMG has a more potent effect on the body and can be used at lower doses to achieve more complete results. For most bodybuilders, a dose of 75-150 IU per two or three times a week is sufficient to stimulate hormone production and reduce the risk of side effects such as muscle loss and fatigue.

So why choose HMG over other post cycle therapy options? First and foremost, HMG is a natural hormone that is already present in the body, making it a safe and effective choice for those looking to optimize their hormone levels. It also has a fast onset of action, meaning you’ll start to see results in a matter of days rather than weeks.

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