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Finasteride is a medication that is commonly used to treat an enlarged prostate. However, it is also used off-label to treat male pattern baldness. Finasteride works by blocking the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that is known to cause hair loss in men. By reducing DHT levels, Finasteride can help prevent hair loss and even promote hair regrowth in some cases.

Bodybuilders who use testosterone may experience an increase in DHT levels, which can lead to hair loss. Finasteride can help prevent this hair loss by blocking the conversion of testosterone to DHT. This can help bodybuilders maintain a full head of hair while still reaping the benefits of testosterone use.

The recommended daily dose of Finasteride for bodybuilders is typically 1mg per day. This dose has been shown to be effective in preventing hair loss caused by testosterone use. It is important to note that Finasteride will only have an effect against hair loss from testosterone usage and not other anabolic steroids.

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