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Minoxidil is a vasodilator, which means that it helps to increase blood flow to the scalp. This increased blood flow can help to stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. Minoxidil is also thought to widen the hair follicles, which allows for thicker, healthier hair growth.

Minoxidil is available in both oral and topical forms. The topical form is applied directly to the scalp and is the most common method of using minoxidil to prevent hair loss. When applying minoxidil topically, it’s important to follow the instructions carefully. Generally, you should apply minoxidil to a dry scalp and massage it in with your fingers. It’s recommended to apply it twice daily, with an eight-hour gap in between, for maximum effectiveness. The usual dose of minoxidil for men is 1 ml of 5% solution twice a day.

Minoxidil is also available in oral form, it’s not typically used for hair loss prevention but has been demonstrated to be very effective in low doses of 1mg per day.

Minoxidil can have serious side effects, including low blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, and fluid retention.

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