
Kidney Support

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Medications that can protest Kidney function include Empagliflozin.

Empagliflozin has been shown to have a positive impact on kidney health. This medication has been shown to reduce the risk of kidney damage in people with type 2 diabetes, and may also have potential benefits for individuals without diabetes such as bodybuilders. This can be particularly important, as intense physical activity, androgens and a high protein diet can put a significant strain on the kidneys, which can lead to long-term damage if not managed properly.

Another potential benefit of Empagliflozin for bodybuilders is its ability to improve cardiovascular health. This medication has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks and strokes. For bodybuilders, this can be particularly important, as cardiovascular health is a key factor in athletic performance and overall health.

Empagliflozin can also exert a mild diuretic effect and assisit with weigt loss.

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